Old World

Where it All Started...

πŸͺ Old World- https://maps.theuplift.world/OldWorld#world;surface;-1285,64,503;0

Old World is the origin story of The Uplift World metaverse, much of which was built at least a year before the project was even envisioned. There are many places to take note of in this region stretching all the way back to the first days of the server. The main points of interest are the early Gratitude Caverns and Cathedral 2.0 in the Historic District, The Uplift World Transport Hub and Hall of Rules, the historic railway to the East lined with early monolithic builds inspired by gratitude and science, The Blu Room, Uplift.Art , Rainbow Village and I Belong Here, NeftyBlocks HQ builds and more.

The Cathedral 2.0, built together by the Gratitude Guardians shortly after The Uplift server was founded as a new site for a weekly ecumenic ceremony to appreciate life through the practice of gratitude.

The Old World Transport Hub and Hall of Rules helps to initiate new community members and visitors into what needs to be known to effectively get started on the right foot in the metaverse.

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